HMUA: Hair & Makeup artists - Getting Ready

It’s very important that your HMUA does the great job for you. But also finishing their job on time is as equally as important for you and other wedding suppliers.

We always ask our couples to let them know:

“The time we arrive to your room is what time your HMUA should be finished and go.”

Ideally, we would like to have 1.5 hours for us to photograph the bride getting ready.
(If you would like us to photograph your groom before that, please add on 1 hour plus traveling time between two locations. )

It means, if you would like to leave your place or the hotel room at 3pm, we would like to arrive to your room at 1:30pm or 2pm latest. By the time we arrive, your HMUA should be gone or packing up. So we can start to photograh you and little details straight away.

If they don’t finish on time (or earlier), what we can do is very limited. Especially if you have your a lot family members or order your wedding album, we will need good amount of getting ready photos. So pleeeease let yout HMUA know what time we want them to finish.

What we have just mentioned above was a little favour from us. So we can do our bit nicely and your will be happy with our work.

If your HMUA doesn’t finish on time for some reason, you will be the one that stress out through the day trying to make up your loss time.

Your wedding car is already at the door, your ceremony is supposed to start in 20 minutes but we haven’t even left home yet, your minister / celebrant has another job after your wedding, they keep calling you but we haven’t done any photos with your parents yet. Oh… it’s now started to rain.. where are the umbrellas..? Oh bad traffic…. oh no… I left my phone at home…. etc..

We see this kind of things quite often. Your stress will show on your face as well as your photos or footage.

So pleeeeeease make sure that you either ask your HMUA to start extra early or have some buffer time after HMUA are supposed to finish before we arrive.

Don’t put too much things in your schedule in the morning.

We always send you a list of HMUA artists we prefer to work with. Please have a look and contact them early. We prefer to work with those artists because they are great at what they do and makes our job nice and easy for us, too.

And one more thing! Please tidy up your room before we arrive!

Katsu and the team

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